Pakistan will hold an OIC FMs’ summit in Islamabad tomorrow.

SLAMABAD (Webdesk) – Tomorrow, Pakistan will host the 17th Extraordinary Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Council of Foreign Ministers in Islamabad (Sunday).

The Session is being held at the initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which serves as the OIC Summit Chair. Pakistan appreciated the invitation and offered to host the meeting.

Participants would include special invitees from the United Nations, International Financial Institutions, and some non-member states such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the EU, in addition to Foreign Ministers from OIC Member States and Observers.

The Afghan Interim Government would be represented at the CFM as well.

The discussion is being held against the background of Afghanistan’s deteriorating humanitarian crisis.

The event would give a chance to examine realistic and concrete solutions to address the Afghan people’s humanitarian needs.

The OIC was founded by Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan and the OIC have always supported the Afghan people throughout the years.