Fazlur Rehman pays a visit to the MQM-P’s headquarters in response to a no-trust motion.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the leader of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), paid a visit to the MQM-headquarters P’s on Tuesday to seek the party’s support for the opposition’s no-confidence resolution against Prime Minister Imran Khan.

When the opposition leader arrived at the Rabta headquarters in Bhadurabad, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and other members of the Rabta committee greeted him.

Concerns about the changing political climate, as well as a motion of no confidence, were aired.

On Monday night in Islamabad, a joint opposition delegation paid a visit to MQM-P leaders.

The discussion between the opposition delegation and MQM-P leaders Amir Khan, Waseem Akhtar, and Amin-ul-Haq took place in the Parliament Lodges, according to sources.