KARACHI: The provincial administration is expected to take tough steps in the city to stem the rapid spread of the Delta variety, which already accounts for 92 percent of infection cases and has a positive rate of more than 23%.
According to a Sindh Health Department official, the province government can decide on certain stringent steps to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Karachi during the next meeting of the Provincial Taskforce on COVID-19, which is planned for today.
“Covid’s spread cannot be stopped unless robust non-pharmaceutical treatments are put in place,” he cautioned.
‘Karachi is on the verge of a major media disaster.’
The health authorities have begun allocating extra beds, rooms, and human resources at two major tertiary-care hospitals in Karachi to deal with the rising number of COVID-19 patients, according to the article.
“A surgical ward at the Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK) is being converted into a COVID-19 ward, and the pulmonology ward at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) has also been put on standby to deal with the rising cases of the Delta variant, which is now spreading like wildfire in the city,” a Sindh Health Department official told the publication.