ISLAMABAD: Food security and improved nutrition are significant issues for developing nations, Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Friday, adding that China’s revolutionary Juncao technology may help with poverty reduction and long-term growth.
“Such innovative, affordable, and environmentally friendly technologies may help catalyse our progress toward achieving the first two Sustainable Development Goals: no poverty and zero hunger,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a video message screened at the Juncao Assistance and Sustainable Development Cooperation Forum in China on Friday.
Juncao, often known as “magic grass,” is a combination of the words “mushroom” and “grass.” Chinese scientists discovered that this specific type of grass offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to the usual substrate for growing mushrooms, which is wood.
The prime minister stated that the globe as a whole, and the people of the global South in particular, were facing several difficulties such as climate change, poverty, and, most importantly, food insecurity.
He praised China for hosting the event, as well as Professor Lin Zhanxi for developing Juncao technology.
He also praised China for sharing the technology with over 100 nations, claiming that thousands of people had benefitted from it throughout the globe in the previous 20 years.
He also said that the technique aided in the fight against desertification and that it might be utilised as animal feed due to its high protein content.
During the epidemic, the prime minister stressed the importance of long-term economic recovery, growth, and development.
He said that, thanks to unwavering efforts to eradicate poverty in all of its forms, severe poverty had been gradually diminishing over the past two decades.
China, according to Prime Minister Imran Khan, is a role model for emerging countries in terms of poverty reduction.
“In the previous four decades, China’s extraordinary progress has lifted 800 million people out of poverty,” he added.
He praised China’s climate leadership and President Xi’s goal of a “prosperous, clean, and beautiful world” as well as the initiative to reach carbon neutrality by 2060.