PM cautions that abandoning Afghanistan might return us to an unstable situation.

ISLAMABAD – Imran Khan, Pakistan’s prime minister, has cautioned the international community that leaving Afghanistan risks returning the country to an unstable state.

The prime minister urged the international community to face the new reality in Afghanistan with a new perspective based on a realistic assessment and pragmatic approach, speaking at a joint session of the SCO and the Collective Security Treaty Organization on Afghanistan in Dushanbe.

He stated that our first goal as a group should be to assist stabilise the security situation and avoid fresh violence and mass migration. He cautioned that quitting Afghanistan may lead to social unrest, severe spillover effects on neighbouring countries, refugee outflows, an increase in terror events, drug trafficking, and transnational organised crime. As a result, engagement is the only way ahead.

Imran Khan also urged the Taliban to follow through on their promises. The promise of a political framework that is inclusive should be realised. Attempts to vilify the Taliban and inflame internal tensions, on the other hand, should be rejected, he added. Some people’s shortsighted and rash attitude will simply exacerbate the problems rather than address them.

The international community, according to the Prime Minister, must reach out to the Afghan people to reaffirm their support and solidarity at this important time. Long-term humanitarian and economic aid will save lives and strengthen the foundations of stability.

Allowing Afghanistan’s frozen assets to be utilised for the benefit of the Afghan people, he added, would be a positive start.

Pakistan, according to the Prime Minister, has maintained its borders open to allow for normal mobility and the flow of bilateral and transit commerce. We’ve sent numerous planeloads of food and medication to Afghanistan to help meet the country’s humanitarian needs.

Pakistan, according to Imran Khan, is dedicated to a stable, independent, and successful Afghanistan that is at peace with itself and its neighbours. He said the countries in the area should work together to help Afghanistan achieve peace, stability, and development.