Punjab will get health cards in January. PM Imran Khan

LAHORE: Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke at the inaugural ceremony of the government’s Naya Pakistan Health Card programme in Lahore on Monday, stating that it will be available to residents on January 1st.

According to the premier, in order to honour God, one must serve humanity, and that “most people are ignorant of the notion of Riyasat-e-Madina, or the Islamic welfare state.”

When his mother was diagnosed with cancer, his family had to transport her overseas for treatment, highlighting the importance of a country having sophisticated and state-of-the-art medical facilities.

He stated that the occurrence inspired him to construct a cancer hospital in Pakistan where everyone, particularly the impoverished, could receive free treatment.

According to the Prime Minister, the government must invest Rs100 million each year to manage the health system.

During the coronavirus outbreak, the premier went on to commend his government’s approach of imposing smart and micro-smart lockdowns rather than a full-fledged shutdown, saying that the whole world congratulated Pakistan for it.

By March 2022, he vowed, all Punjabi households will have access to health cards.